Make-your-own-Brain tutorial

Brains provide logic for displaying LifeEvents around the screen. If you want to create a handle for your stuffs, say to go to edge of the universe, you extend the base empathy::brain::Brain class. Like this:

class RocketBrain : public Brain;

This class MUST override a method named runLineNumber. you do this by:

public void runLineNumber(String action, String caller);

Now, you have to understand HOW Brain works to understand what this statement is. The Brain is started by You and as it begins running, it starts asynchronous timeouts to create LifeEvents. Say, you want to build a wave of red color and a wave of blue color immediately afterwards. Your implementationn should be like:

onStart: wave1 after 3 seconds: wave2 (for simplicity, say the wave completes in 3 seconds)

The use of runLineNumber is to execute a certain statement and create the intruction for timeouts. Your runLineNumber needs to be like:

public void runLineNumber(std::string action, std::string caller="")
	        activateTimeoutForNextLine("createWave1",0.0);//go to createWave1 after 0.0 secconds, ie, immediately
	}else if(action=="createWave1"){
		createWave1();//your code to create a wave

	        activateTimeoutForNextLine("createWave2",3.0);//go to createWave2 after 3.0 seconds
	}else if(action=="createWave2"){
		createWave2(); //your code to create another wave.
		//And if you want an infinite loop, You can call this line
		activateTimeoutForNextLine("begin",3.0);//restart after 3.0 seconds

You might have noticed action==”begin” on line 3. This comes from You after empathy has finished instanciating.