Building Empathy
There are going to be so many flavors of Empathy: DEmpathy(Desktop + Empathy, made for linux but, works for any desktop), AEmpathy(Android + Empathy, not yet released), iEmpathy (iOS + Empathy, not yet released), So choose the flavor you want to. And let’s build Empathy in the flavor you like!
Meeting Dependencies
Empathy has been kept away from unnecessary dependencies as much as possible, however, some dependencies must be met.
Common Dependencies
A C++ Compiler: To compile the C++ project.
make: To make the project
cmake: To intelligent make
the project
pkg-config: Finding packages in an OS can be very hard. That’s where pkg-config
plays by locating these packages[Used by CMake
GLEW: To make Empathy platform-independent, some uniform libraries are required. Empathy at the very core is made in close relation with GLEW.
muparser: To parse mathematical expressions during runtime.
GLFW3 To show window, we need something. Let it be GLFW.
irrKlang To make music in DEmpathy aka DoonLight (MoonLight + Desktop!)
Installing Dependencies
DEmpathy successfully builds up in Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit using the following procedure. I hope you approach a similar procedure for your Linux distro :)
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
and GLFW
sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libglfw-dev libglfw3-dev
is already placed in the DEmpathy/libs folder. Hurray! You have installed the dependencies!
Okay Windows folks, I haven’t tested this but the procedure goes something like this:
-Install the GCC compiler. Instructions can be found here:
-Install Make
-Install pkg-config
-GLEW: Download GLEW from here and follow the instructions here
-GLFW: Download from here
So let’s hope that your installation is successful. If not, and you won’t give up without compiling it from scratch, drop by an email!